Company Partners brings people with business ideas or businesses ready to grow together with Investors, Mentors and other entrepreneurs to form business partners.
Entrepreneurs could you do better with a like-minded business partner? Bringing new skills, knowledge and contacts.
Or are you are looking for Business Angel funding and have a great opportunity? Post your business summary on the site for Business Angels to contact you AND you don't have to sit and wait like other sites, we let you contact the Investors!
You can even search just for a Mentor. Yes Entrepreneurs can do all three. Find a Business Partner, find a Angel Investor and find a Mentor.
Are you a Business Angel looking for interesting investments? You can have free access to all the business summaries, get unlimited contact and even our own Automatch service that will automatically notify you if a suitable investment comes along.
Mentors or Non-Executive Directors - as experienced business people, have you the time & skills to assist young companies? Put something back, get satisfaction from helping a growing business, maybe even equity shares.
How you can find Business Partners and Investors
We run this site for our members. We don't charge huge fees like other places, just a small monthly membership fee of £29.95 that is cancellable at any time. Others charge many hundreds upfront and then they also take a percentage of money raised, we don't.
But you want to have a look before joining don't you, no problem. Register - it's free and you can explore the site, try out searching for a partner and see our Investors.
We're different.
- We are the only site that puts fellow entrepreneurs together as business partners
- Entrepreneurs - we are the only site where as well as Investors searching and finding you, YOU can also contact the Investors through our secure messaging system (everywhere else you sit and wait)
- Investors - because we don't charge huge fees or require equity from the business, everything you've invested into the business, stays with the business

Company Partners Ltd. is a registered company in England, reg. no. 4666501.
Data protection registration: Z8231127