Business Plan Services (BPS) - Review

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Business Plan Services
Price: £4000 - £7,000



Business Plan Services operates provides bespoke business planning assistance. They have access to over 80 expert consultants. The services are individually tailored to meet each client's requirements.



Given the nature of the bespoke service we weren't able to test out the capabilities of BPS ourselves.

To many it may seem that the costs of this service are high, especially compared to self-help business planning tools. However bear in mind that you are hiring a consultant who is an expert in his field, to construct the plan for you (with your input of course). The plan itself will reflect the nature of your business, its requirements and the purpose that the document is intended to serve, whether for internal or external presentation.

BPS offer a business planning assistance, assessed on a case-by-case basis, incorporating one or more of industry research, competitor analysis, marketing plans, strategic planning and financial planning.

There is also a Business plan review facility assessing the strength of a document already prepared on the basis of its content, presentation and strategy. They currently charge £ 500 + VAT for a 20-page document plus financials.

Finally they run workshops on a variety of business planning matters for entrepreneurs, CEOs and senior managers.



  • Personal advice from experts.
  • Much of the work done for you.
  • Bespoke plan writen for your company.
  • Experience of tailoring business plans for raising investment.


  • Price.